内容简介一件坊间传说的稀世珍宝,竟牵出千丝万缕的恩怨。一桩几十年前的惊世之局,将揭开古董江湖蕞隐秘、蕞险恶的一面。真赝之间,必先窥破圈套手段;掌眼之前,须得悟透世情人心。一切的一切,始于许愿三十岁生日那天……作者简介马伯庸:作家。人民文学奖、朱自清散文奖、银河奖得主。被评为沿袭“‘五四’以来历史文学创作的谱系”“文字风格充满奇趣”。代表作:《显微镜下的大明》《长安十二时辰》《七侯笔录》《古董局中局》《三国机密》《风起陇西》《草原动物园》精彩书评波云诡谲引人入胜,马伯庸凭借丰厚的知识底蕴和独特的叙事风格,将古董行当中的江湖险恶和隐秘文化一一道破。——腾讯娱乐波云诡谲,引人入胜,堪称古董鉴宝界的“福尔摩斯”。——网易娱乐他笔下既没有风花雪月,也没有明媚、忧伤的青春;他反倒是一会揭秘三国,一会又聚焦清明上河图的真伪(《古董局中局2》),甚至还把当年被盗的慈禧太后墓也写进了悬念丛生的《古董局中局3》,令众多读者看得欲罢不能……——重庆晨报Content introductionAn urban legend of a rare treasure, actually led to a myriad of grievances.A surprising situation decades ago will uncover the most secret and sinister side of the antique world.Between the true and the false, we must first peep the trap means; Before you can see, you must understand the world.Everything started when I made a wish on my 30th birthday...About the authorMa Boyong: writer. Winner of the People's Literature Prize, Zhu Ziqing Prose Award and the Galaxy Award. It was rated as following the "pedigree of historical literature creation since the May Fourth Movement" and "the writing style is full of curiosity".Representative works: "Daming under the Microscope", "Twelve Hours of Chang 'an", "Seven Hou Records", "Antique Bureau Bureau", "Three Kingdoms Secrets", "Wind Qi Longxi", "Grassland Zoo"Wonderful book reviewWith his rich knowledge and unique narrative style, Ma Boyong reveals the sinister and secret culture in the antique trade.-- Tencent EntertainmentMysterious and intriguing, it is called the "Sherlock Holmes" of antiques.-- NetEase EntertainmentThere is no romance in his works, nor bright, sad youth; Instead, he revealed the secrets of the Three countries for a while, and focused on the authenticity of the Riverside map during the Qingming Festival (" Antiques Bureau Bureau 2 "), and even wrote the stolen tomb of the Empress Dowagea into the suspenseful "Antiques Bureau Bureau Bureau 3", which made many readers unable to stop...-- Chongqing Morning Post
2024-07-11 01:48:33