内容简介唐天宝三年,元月十四日,长安。大唐皇都的居民不知道,上元节辉煌灯火亮起之时,等待他们的,将是场吞噬一切的劫难。突厥、狼卫、绑架、暗杀、烈焰、焚城,毁灭长安城的齿轮已经开始转动。而拯救长安的全部希望,只有一个即将被斩首的独眼死囚和短短的十二个时辰……作者简介马伯庸:作家。人民文学奖、朱自清散文奖得主。被评为沿袭“‘五四’以来历史文学创作的谱系”,“文字风格充满奇趣”。代表作《古董局中局》入选第四届“中国图书势力榜”文学类年度十大好书。Content introductionTang Tianbao three years, January 14, Chang 'an.The residents of the Tang imperial capital do not know that when the brilliant lights of the Upper Yuan Festival are lit up, waiting for them will be a disaster that consumes everything.Tujue, Wolf guard, kidnapping, assassination, fire, burning the city, the destruction of Chang 'an City gear has begun to turn. The only hope to save Chang 'an is a one-eyed prisoner who is about to be beheaded and a short twelve hours...About the authorMa Boyong: writer. People's Literature Prize, Zhu Ziqing prose Award winner.It was rated as following the "pedigree of historical literature creation since the May Fourth Movement" and "the writing style is full of curiosity".His representative book "The Middle Bureau of Antiques Bureau" was selected as one of the top ten annual books in the literature category of the fourth "China Book Power List".
2024-07-12 04:15:18